“Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.” —Chief Seattle
We’re all in this together.
The Land Peace Foundation is currently providing training programs to Indigenous peoples, organizations, groups and allies in the United States and Canada, in collaboration with the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation’s Peace Leadership Director, Paul K. Chappell.
In recent years we have witnessed the most aggressive attack on Indigenous Rights in 100 years. This is largely due to a battle over dwindling resources. Large scale resistance has surfaced in response to this attack. Though this uprising is hopeful and inspiring, it must be coordinated into a focused, long-term campaign, in order to be productive.
Our Goal is: To provide focus, guidance and direction to this movement as well as giving workshop participants the skills needed to establish and maintain a personal commitment to peace and non-violence. We offer participants practical tools that will enable their efforts to be more effective and long-lasting. Participants receive training in nonviolence theory and strategies, along with practical skills for grassroots organizing, networking, direct action, civil disobedience, media, public education, and coordination of directed legal action.
We also provide broad scale educational programs on the contemporary issues that are being faced by First Nations and Tribes across North America, along with the most current legal and policy based threats to local and global efforts.
In order to offer these program at little or no cost, we need your help.
If you would like to support us in our work you can make a donation to our funding organization at the link below.
Our last sponsor
Ale to tylko wstęp do wyższości i prawdopodobieństwa obsługi kasyno online, więc teraz chcielibyśmy szczegółowo opowiedzieć o tym, co platforma może zrobić i dlaczego warto preferować grę i dlaczego publiczność przekroczyła 9 milionów użytkowników.
Thank you for your support,
Sherri Mitchell, Executive Director